We Rise Up for Parks and 娱乐

We Rise Up for Parks and 娱乐 Main Photo



July is Park and 娱乐 Month as deemed by the National 娱乐 and Park Association (NRPA). The focus is to promote the 权力 of parks and recreation as they help build strong, 有弹性的社区. Each July, NRPA welcomes a theme to aid in promoting parks and recreational benefits. 今年的主题, We Rise Up for Parks and 娱乐, highlights the importance of parks and recreation professionals throughout our country. 是的, 工作人员(志愿者), 季节性, 兼职, 全职人员, and 政府ernment) that keep our parks and recreational spaces clean and functional for visitors to create memories.

“Parks are at the center of so many experiences and memories - moments that park and recreation professionals help make happen. Our local parks are often our first experiences in nature, our introduction to a favorite hobby or physical activity. They are places to gather with friends and family, spaces to celebrate life’s special moments, 喘息和治愈的地方, sites that connect us with essential community services and so much more.” - NRPA


Ohio 县 thanks its park and recreation professionals for allowing us to have multiple parks and recreational spaces that offer access to fishing, 划船, 漂流, 越野, 划独木舟等等. As the World Capital of 蓝草音乐 Music, 当然我们也举办音乐会, festivals and events throughout the year. 俄亥俄县州立公园 and our outdoor amphitheater, 位于比弗大坝, 景点是独立的吗. 


Just off Highway 69 in the city of 哈特福德 are 500 acres known as 俄亥俄县州立公园 offering many family friendly activities:

  • 野餐区
  • Nature trails for hiking, horseback riding, bicycling and ATV enthusiasts
  • 高尔夫球场
  • 操场
  • 历史遗迹
  • 露营地
  • Sporting sections for volleyball, basketball, soccer, archery and so much more!

俄亥俄县州立公园 is your one-stop-shop for park and recreational activities. Activities are being curated for the summer. 检查他们的 脸谱网页面 通常用于即将到来的活动. 


Beaver Dam bbingamezone注册官网 is considered Western Kentucky’s premier outdoor concert venue. 它是2,000平方英尺舞台, 可容纳5人,000, excellent sound system and natural tree fence, it is the perfect recreation space to enjoy an outdoor concert or two. 参观海狸坝露天剧场 脸谱网页面 or 网站 for the Dam events happening this summer. 

During the summer, not too far away from the Dam amphitheater is 2号的声音. Every Friday, residents and tourists alike are invited to enjoy free concerts, tailgate-style. 早点到城里, 去一家当地的餐馆, then find your spot on 2nd Street and enjoy!

更多的公园 & 推荐

Being the birthplace of bluegrass music, we can’t forget 玫瑰社区公园, located between Bill Monroe’s 首页place and Bill 梦露博物馆. Make a day of visiting Bill Monroe’s humble beginnings that led him to becoming the Father of 蓝草音乐 music. 

McHenry Community Park, Cromwell Park & 娱乐, and Oldham Park are much smaller parks, yet perfect for small family gatherings or simply taking the pets out for a stroll. 

20 Year Anniversary, Ohio 县, KYWhen it comes to indoor fun and fitness, we have Ohio 县’s 家庭健康中心. This recreational facility is celebrating their 20th anniversary of “Keeping Ohio 县 Healthy!“不管你是不是会员, you have access to a variety of activities to get the body moving and blood flowing. 家庭健康中心提供:

  • 青少年奥林匹克泳池
  • 扩建健身房
  • 室内壁球场
  • 有氧工作室
  • 一流健身室
  • 有限的日托等等!

看看他们的 时间表 and add them to your summer itinerary.